BuckSet in an impoverished neighborhood of Baltimore, Buck tells the coming-of-age story of an unruly boy, Noah, whose negligent father cancels on him at the last minute on his birthday. Accompanied by his single mother, Noah pays his father an unexpected visit, only to discover that his half-sister has acquired his dream birthday gift—a puppy.
Official Selection: LA Shorts International Film festival 2021 NewFilmmakers NY 2021 New York Shorts International Film Festival 2021 Maryland Film Festival 2022 WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival 2022 Semi-Finalist: Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival 2021 |
Buck BTS
Director's Statement
After my relocation from Taiwan to the US seven years ago, I soon developed an interest in telling the stories that had not traveled to where I was from -- the less glamorous part of America. In Buck, I want to explore the white working class America, whose narrative does not fit with the idea of “American Dream.” Buck, in its essence, is about a boy who desperately seeks a father figure in life, and tries to navigate his dysfunctional family. I want to portrait Noah and his family members with a humanistic approach, so that we as viewers understand their true struggles and state of mind. I was also inspired by filmmakers like François Truffaut, Andrea Arnold and Lynne Ramsay when I came up with the story of Buck. Ultimately, Buck is a universal story for anyone who has ever been wounded by their family, who has ever felt unheard, and for those who have ever fought their way out.